Our Infection Control Strategy
Striving to Become the Cleanest in Class.
Promoting a standard of clinical excellence in Infection Control within Musculoskeletal (MSK) Healthcare.
What We’re Doing…
Following each of our lived experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic, some more clinically vulnerable individuals will naturally (and quite rightly) be anxious to ensure that all environments that they enter are sanitary and safe. We therefore want to make known the measures and protocols that we have put in place to ensure the ongoing health and safety of our patients.

We encourage all staff to become Vaccinated Against Covid-19 & Influenza (Flu)
Although no clinic can mandate vaccination, we strongly encourage all clinical and secretarial staff to become vaccinated against COVID-19 and Influenza (Flu). As healthcare professionals we have the privilege to access booster jabs. We encourage staff engagement with the booster programme this year, and any subsequent year that the programme runs.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Where necessary, all clinical and secretarial staff will be utilising Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in line with guidance provided by our respective professional regulatory bodies. This will include face masks, face shields/screens/visors, nitrile or latex gloves, and plastic coveralls, overalls, or aprons. If you as a patient would be made more comfortable by your clinician wearing a particular level of PPE, then please do not hesitate to discuss that with them.

Disinfecting Surfaces
Practically all surfaces within the clinic are now wipe-down-surfaces. After a patient has been seen, and before the next patient enters the clinic, clinicians (and secretarial staff alike) will wipe down all necessary surfaces using a medical-grade disinfectant.

Spacing Between Appointments
We are a high quality, low volume private healthcare facility. To facilitate social distancing for vulnerable individuals, and allow for the appropriate time to disinfect surfaces, we can limit the number of persons within the clinic at any given time.
Seating Within the Reception Area
Seating within the clinic reception area can be altered to allow for 2-meters or more social distancing.
Consideration of High-risk Patients
We will be considering the risk profile of individual patients, and determining the suitability of certain appointments. Where appropriate, we can manage extremely vulnerable patients remotely via Telehealth Consultation.
What We Ask of You…
We are doing our part to stop the spread of infection and we also ask you to do your part to make us all safer.

Hand Washing / Sanitising
Hand sanitiser will be made readily available, and all patients and can be applied as required.

Appointment Time
We want to ensure that at any given time, the number of individuals within the clinic is kept to a minimum. Therefore, please endeavour to arrive at the clinic no more than 10-minutes before your appointment, unless otherwise instructed.

Attendance of Family & Friends
Patients can be accompanied if they are a) minors, or b) require assistance. As we are now post-pandemic, other family members or friends can attend with patients to offer company and support.
Social Distancing
Following the pandemic, social distancing is no longer mandated within the clinic. However, if you would prefer other patients or members of staff to maintain a social distance, please do not hesitate to make this request.
Face Masks
3-ply face masks are no longer mandated. However, if you wish to wear a face mask, please do not hesitate to do so. Furthermore, you can request that your clinician also wears a face mask.
Contact Surfaces
If you are clinical vulnerable, try not to touch contact surfaces within the clinic such as door handles. Instead, ask a member of staff for assistance.
If you are clinically vulnerable, you can limit risk of infection by making a contactless payment, rather than paying cash.
Toilet & Washroom
If you are clinically vulnerable, you can request that a member of staff disinfects the toilet and washroom facilities immediately prior to you using them.
Covid-19 Symptoms
Please be vigilant of COVID-19 symptoms, and reschedule you are experiencing any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, sore throat, tiredness, fever).