Pain & Injury Telehealth Consultations

All From the Comfort of Your Own Home…

‘Cant Get to Us…? Let Us Come to You…’

Helping patients from across the uk and beyond, and all from the comfort of their own living room.

What is a Telehealth Appointment?

A Telehealth Appointment (Online Virtual Video Consultation) is the same as any regular clinical appointment. The only difference is that you will see and speak to your Chiropractor or Podiatrist via a video conference call. If you have ever used Skype or FaceTime, then you’ll already be familiar with how Telehealth works.

These web-based consultations give you the opportunity to speak with a qualified Chiropractor or Podiatrist without having to attend either of our clinics, ensuring you get the right advice and support you need to help facilitate your recovery. Most consultations can take place via our secure platform called PhysiApp. Alternatively, we can accomodate appointments via Apple Facetime, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, or Skype.

What to Expect During a Telehealth Consultation


Clinical and Past-medical History

We take all patients through a thorough clinical and past-medical history, in order to help us make a diagnosis, and guide patient management.

Clinical Examination

We take all patients through a thorough clinical and past-medical history, in order to help us make a diagnosis, and guide patient management.

This includes a full and thorough:

  • Orthopaedic Examination
  • Neurologic Examination
  • Postural Examination
  • Gait Examination

If additional tests are indicated, an onward referral can be arranged.


Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Proposed Treatment

We’ll let you know:

A Diagnosis of your complaint: What it is and what’s causing it…

A Prognosis of your case: How it’s expected to progress / develop, or, how long it will take to get better…

An explanation of the Proposed Treatment (should we deem ourselves suitable for the management of your complaint). This will inform you of: What we can do to help.What you’ll be able to do, in order to help yourself. What results you can expect.The rate at which you can expect these results.

Of course, virtual appointments do not allow for all aspects of examination: Sometimes further physical examination, special tests such as blood tests, and investigative imaging such as an X-ray, may need to be carried out by a qualified healthcare professional. However, this can be discussed in full during your Telehealth Appointment (Online Virtual Video Consultation), and onward referral can be arranged.


Rehabilitative Exercise Prescription

See a Chiropractor or Podiatrist with access to 4200+ crystal-clear, fully narrated exercise videos, delivered straight to your smartphone, computer or printer.

Benefit from thousands of peer-reviewed telerehabilitation exercises and activities in areas such as Orthopaedics, Neurology, Pediatrics, Cardiology and Women’s Health.

We are proud to live stream telerehabilitation exercises from the vast library of exercises in real-time while being able to talk to you through them at the same time. For a short demonstration of how to use Telehealth with PhysiApp: Watch Here…


Patient Education and Self-care

A major part of long term recovery from pain or injury is the development of a patient’s knowledge and understanding around their complaint, and how they should go about managing it. Through telehealth education, we help patients to become more independent, autonomous, and self-sufficient, reducing the need for them to consult with a clinician or therapist.

Prior to the Telehealth consultation you will be asked to download our rehabilitation application, Physiapp telerehabilitation for free from the Google Play store or the Apple store.

The app is easy to use once downloaded:

  1. At the scheduled time of your appointment, your Chiropractor or Podiatrist will start the video call.
  2. You will receive an email invitation to join the call.
  3. To accept the call, you will be need to login in to PhysiApp.

During your consultation, we are able to create a personalised telerehabilitation care plan that consists of various stretches, exercises and care guidance for you to follow at home. Exercises are provided in video format to show how they should be performed. You will be able to report on your progress via the app, allowing your Chiropractor or Podiatrist to monitor your recovery.


Who is a Telehealth Consultation for?

If you are unable to attend the clinic for your appointment you may be suitable for a Telehealth Appointment (Online Virtual Video Consultation). We highly recommend a Telehealth Appointment if:

  1. You are self-isolating or social-distancing due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic. A Telehealth Appointment (Online Virtual Video Consultation) will allow you to access expert clinical care from the safety of your own home. Furthermore, you will not be adding further strain to an already struggling National Health Service (NHS).
  2. You suffer with a physical disability / impairment that would make it difficult for you to attend one of our clinics in person. If this is the case, then we can bring the clinic to you.
  3. You don’t live in a geographic location that is close to either of our clinics. Thankfully, no distance is too far with a Telehealth Appointment (Online Virtual Video Consultation).

How Much Does a Telehealth Consultation Cost?

Telehealth Appointments are a fraction of the cost of face-to-face consultations, starting at only £39.00. However, appointment costs may vary depending upon patient necessity.

Can All of My Appointments Be via Telehealth?

Most probably they can… A Telehealth Appointment will allow a patient and clinician to have the same discussions that they would have face-to-face with a Chiropractor or Podiatrist. Furthermore, telerehabilitation exercise demonstration can be made via video link, and certain special tests can be carried out by the patient, under the instruction of the clinician. However, sometimes further physical examination, special tests such as blood tests, and investigative imaging such as an X-ray, may need to be carried out by a qualified healthcare professional. However, this can be discussed in full during your Telehealth Appointment (Online Virtual Video Consultation).

Can a Friend or Family Member Be With Me During My Telehealth Appointment?

Yes – certainly! If you are more comfortable having a friend or family member attend the appointment with you, please feel free to invite them. The more the merrier!

What if I Am Having Technical Difficulties During My Telehealth Appointment?

If you are uncomfortable using Telehealth, or if you experience any technical difficulties during your appointment please inform your Chiropractor or Podiatrist and they will be able to assist you right away. You may end your appointment at any time during the session.

How is My Privacy Protected?

Your privacy is paramount. Telehealth appointments take place in rooms that are also designed for in-person appointments. Your appointment takes place in real time and is not recorded. Physiapp is secure, encrypted and compliant…

  • GDPR compliant technology. BAA is included.
  • Audio and video encryption ensures that PHI remains secure.
  • ISO27001-audited engineering
  • Runs on AWS (secure & SOC3 compliant)

There is no need for you to import your contacts or link your account with social networks. For more details on Physiapp’s security and data protection, please follow this link.

Our Evidence-based Approach to Patient Care

Our modern, research driven approach to chiropractic patient care, allows us to carefully select and utilise the chiropractic and adjunctive physical rehabilitation (telerehabilitation) that will best achieve the results you want; in the shortest space of time, at the lowest possible cost, with minimal disruption to your life.

Whether you’re suffering from acute pain following injury, trauma, surgery etc, or chronic pain, effective treatment is possible. Pain is not a trivial symptom and should not be ignored. Research shows pain is a potent stressor on people’s lives that interferes with normal recovery and functioning. When pain is controlled, patients suffer less, sleep better and have more vitality to enjoy daily activities.

Patients commonly present to us after having undergone various treatment options (including surgery), without success, and have often been seen by a whole host of other clinicians: chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists / physical therapists, neurosurgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, spinal surgeons, rheumatologists, general practitioners (GP), podiatrists, massage therapists, sports therapists etc.

It’s our pleasure to look after a range of patients from the local areas of Henley in Arden, Stratford Upon Avon, Warwick, Solihull, Redditch, Leamington Spa, Birmingham, Wootton Wawen, Claverdon, Knowle, Dorridge, Shirley, Hatton, Lapworth, and Hockey Heath etc. We are also proud to attract professional sports men and women / athletes, and likewise patients with more chronic and complex problems from a host of major cities, further afield throughout the UK: Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Portmouth, Cambridge, Bournemouth, Oxford, London etc.

Find Out More.


Excellence in the diagnosis, management, and conservative treatment of pain and injury.

Gait Analysis & Orthotics

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